Thursday, March 9, 2023

Keishi Yamashita -- Niji Iro no Parade(虹色のパレード)


I've only been to Kyoto twice in my life so my memories of Japan's ancient capital city consist of temples, shrines and Kyoto Tower. But through the research regarding this particular song, there is apparently a performance and event space there called Waku Waku City Park(わくわくシティーパーク...Exciting City Park) and in the above video, you can see singer-songwriter Showky Saezawa(冴沢鐘己)performing an old favourite for everyone.

Saezawa also wrote words and music for Keishi (KC) Yamashita's(山下圭志)July 2015 debut single, "Niji Iro no Parade" (Rainbow Parade). Yamashita is a local radio personality but he has also held some of his own concerts and up to this point, he has released three singles and one album.

Yamashita has shown interest in City Pop but I think "Niji Iro no Parade" is more of a very happy samba-infused pop tune that can get those shoulders shimmying in seats...or at least, that's the effect that it has on me. Interestingly enough, the song was used as the theme tune for Waku Waku City Park itself and it was also included as a bonus track on his January 2022 third single, "Ai wa Prismatic"(愛はプリズマティック...Love is Prismatic).

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