Sunday, April 30, 2023

Especia -- Danger


This will be my final entry for this month; just wanted to bump up the monthly number. I'm still feeling rather ambitious about beating the yearly total we had last year.

It's rather intriguing about the thumbnail for the video above since this had been uploaded back in 2020, and yep, it's by the official Especia channel. That looks like an ideal poster for last year's sci-fi/horror flick "NOPE".

Anyways, I wanted to feature "Danger", Especia's final single from December 2016. Words (all in English) and music were supplied by LUCKY TAPES' Kai Takahashi(高橋海), and though both aidoru group Especia and LUCKY TAPES have dabbled into the Neo-City Pop, "Danger" is more of a straight bass-driven funk disco number as one of the members sings about salvaging a relationship in a chaotic time although the currently lost lover may be the danger.

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