Monday, May 1, 2023

Sing Like Talking -- Home Town

Well, welcome to May! There might be a major holiday week in Japan but it's just the usual over here in Toronto. The weather forecast said that we would be drenched in rain but the afternoon is looking downright rosy right now so I'm hoping that things have suddenly changed for the better. 

A lot of the old kayo from a particular time, say the 1960s, addressed folks working in big cities like Tokyo while missing the warmth of the old hometown. It appears that the group Sing Like Talking adopted that idea and put it into one of their very amiable pop melodies. Their 25th single from March 1998, "Home Town" is a most congenial tune with a small feeling of rusticity as if the titular hometown was really out in the countryside. SLT keyboardist Chiaki Fujita(藤田千章)was the one behind the lyrics for vocalist Chikuzen Sato's(佐藤竹善)music. Those lyrics start out with someone missing their hometown greatly while in a new community but then realizes they can use the memories and the energy and the good feelings of home to make things better in their area.

I've been back home here in Toronto for over a decade now and though I miss my old neighbourhood in Ichikawa to a good extent still, I remember feeling the same for this place while I was living there. Perhaps it's not too bad a thing to have two hometowns.

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