Friday, June 16, 2023

Escalators -- Fly High


Ooooh! Just the song to begin Urban Contemporary Fridays on "Kayo Kyoku Plus" before I head in for lunch. 

I don't know anything about this short-lived band Escalators (1994-1997) with ZOOCO as its vocalist. However, judging from their song "Fly High" (also written and composed by the singer), these guys really grooved with the sound and fashion as if the 1970s never ended. It's not a tune for the discotheque...more something to enjoy while traipsing around the big city.

"Fly High" was the opening track on Escalators' 2nd album "Planet e" which was released in November 1994. Escalators released 8 singles and 6 singles along with a 1997 BEST album before calling it a day. As for ZOOCO who hails from Aichi Prefecture, she's been recording up to the present day as a soloist as well as a part of the band Soysoul which has covered rock, soul, hip-hop and funk.

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