Thursday, June 15, 2023

Yoko Nakamura -- Teenage Soldier(ティーンエイジ・ソルジャー)


Usually when I hear the term "teenage soldier", I get some ominous images such as Kurt Russell's "Soldier" from 1998

However, I get much more of a benign impression with Yoko Nakamura's(中村容子)debut single "Teenage Soldier" which saw the light of day in March 1984. Her high tones and appearance had me musing an 80s version of Kohmi Hirose(広瀬香美)although of course, her voice doesn't quite hit the same level of stratosphere although her delivery is slightly similar. The song was written by Jun Hashimoto(橋本淳)who also acted as her mentor, composed by singer-songwriter Kantaro Yamamoto(山本寛太郎)and arranged by the prolific Motoki Funayama(船山基紀).

Raised in Saitama Prefecture, she got into show business when her then-boyfriend in junior high school had her photo published in a magazine which got her a number of offers to star in commercials. But Nakamura also became an actress and TV personality which lasted into the early 1990s, although her singing career lasted only four singles and one album up to the middle of 1985. She left show business in 1992.

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