Thursday, September 7, 2023

annie the clumsy -- megane


A few days ago, I featured a song called "Lullaby" with a multiple lineup of MC and trackmaker EVISBEATShip-hop group WHALE TALX and singer-songwriter annie the clumsy. I have to admit that the nom de plume of that last artist especially grabbed my attention since what she chose for her stage name is basically what I am in life.

She has her own YouTube channel and website and has been a jack (or jill) of all trades by writing her own tunes, providing songs for commercials and even helping on backup chorus duties for other artists. Her instrument seems to be the ukulele but for this song above which she has put out in the last couple of months has her on acoustic guitar. annie also points this out in the video explanation, but "megane" (Glasses) was the first song that she wrote in Japanese and it was originally meant for a 2018 short film but after forgetting about it for a few years, she re-discovered it and decided to go ahead with an unplugged performance as seen above.

"megane" is a bittersweet song about someone putting on some new glasses and realizing through fresh clarity that things have changed and in a not so happy way. What was once familiar and comfortable has now gone and the person has to deal with the new reality. 

I was also charmed by her "Hello from Brachiosaurus's back" from a few years back. I've also noticed she does a lot of covers as well. 

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