Friday, September 1, 2023

Atsuko Nina -- Icebox & Movie


Icebox and a movie? Sure, I'll be right there. Nothing like watching a flick with a good friend while being able to raid the freezer for some ice cream. Surprisingly, I never did this myself, but I've had friends who would curl up in front of the small screen while opening up a tub of Neapolitan or Burgundy Cherry or Rocky Road and devouring half of it.

"Icebox & Movie" also happens to be the unlikely title of a breezy and summery City Pop tune by Atsuko Nina(二名敦子). It's been a while since she's been up on KKP so I bid her welcome once more. The track hails from her 1985 2nd album "Windy Island". Written by Yoshiko Miura(三浦徳子)and composed by Ken Sato(佐藤健), the song sounds more like "Frozen Margarita & Ocean View" but I'm not judging. 😎 Some very nice harmonies going on between Nina and the backup singers and the arrangement is as aquamarine and calming as the picture of that sea on the album cover.

The track also shares album space with Nina's "Soldier Fish" which was my first of her entries on the blog.

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