Friday, September 1, 2023

Yutaka Kimura Speaks ~ Japanese City Pop Masterpieces 100: MAMALAID RAG -- Café Terrace(カフェテラス)


Number: 021

Lyricist/Composer/Arranger: Hirokuni Tanaka

From MAMALAID RAG's 2002 album: "Mamalaid Rag"

Bringing in the feeling spanning between his "Velvet Hotel" and "Ki no Ha no Sketch"(木の葉のスケッチ...Leaf Sketch), "Café Terrace" is a number rich in the flavour of Eiichi Ohtaki(大滝詠一). However, the appeal of MAMALAID RAG is that it leaves a refreshing impression, far from being sarcastic at all. This is a song that I recommend in the sense that one can wholeheartedly experience Hirokuni Tanaka's(田中拡邦)vocals which have a quality that perfectly emulates Ohtaki's distinct ability to vibrate his vocal cords.

The above comes from "Disc Collection Japanese City Pop Revised" (2020).

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