Friday, September 8, 2023

Yutaka Kimura Speaks ~ Japanese City Pop Masterpieces 100: Taeko Ohnuki -- Kami Hikouki no Love Letter(紙ヒコーキのラブレター)


Number: 022

Lyricist/Composer: Taeko Ohnuki

Arranger: Takeshi Kobayashi

From Ohnuki's 1993 album: "Shooting star in the blue sky"

Originally a song for a commercial, I believe Ginji Ito(伊藤銀次)had been the arranger at that time. Perhaps because of that, "Kami Hikouki no Love Letter" is a cute love song with somewhat of the touch of the nostalgic. As a track on "Shooting star in the blue sky", it's often been overlooked but it's especially for that reason that I've become even more attached to it. Taeko Ohnuki(大貫妙子)has been great no matter the era, but it was also during her time with Takeshi Kobayashi(小林武史)that her pop music attained a high purity.

The above comes from "Disc Collection Japanese City Pop Revised" (2020).

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