Sunday, November 5, 2023

Diamantes -- Shouri no Uta(勝利の歌)


Well, it took 38 years but the Hanshin Tigers won the Japan Series several hours ago. Many congratulations to them, Osaka and their many fans. I've got a feeling that residents there will be even more happier and boisterous for the next six months. 

I already wrote an article on the famous Tigers' theme song "Rokko Oroshi"(六甲おろし)back in 2014, but heck, why not play this again in tribute to the guys? Also, while you're at it, have a read of the Curse of Colonel Sanders. In Osaka, he isn't just all about those eleven herbs and spices.

But of course, I still had to look for an appropriate song of victory to reflect the Tigers' baseball championship and it didn't take long before I encountered Okinawa-based Diamantes' "Shouri no Uta" (CANTEMOS LA CANCIÓN DE LA VICTORIA) which I can simply is "The Winning Song". This is a short, sweet and celebratory song that was released as the band's 3rd single in June 1994. The composer and writer was Diamantes vocalist Alberto Shiroma(アルベルト城間)with keyboardist Bob Ishihara(ボブ石原)also helping out on the lyrics. 

Diamantes started out in 1991 centering around third-generation Japanese-Peruvian Shiroma and their music has incorporated rhythms from the Dominican Republic's merengue, Cuban guajira, rumba and the bolero. They've had a number of band members but currently Diamantes consists of Shiroma and bassist Tom Nakasone(トム仲宗根)from Okinawa. Their discography of singles and albums have been coming out since 1993 up to 2021 thus far.

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