Sunday, November 5, 2023

Naomi Akimoto -- Tonite


Just some lingering thoughts about the Hanshin Tigers winning it all earlier today. It's been the case that whichever team in professional Japanese baseball takes the championship, their corporate owners celebrate and their customers get the benefits. The Tigers are owned by the Hanshin Electric Railway Company, so does that mean free rides for the next few days? Otherwise, do any of their stations' commercial establishments provide massive sales or freebies? 

Anyways, we'll see over the coming days. But allow me to show off "Tonite" by Naomi Akimoto(秋本奈緒美)from her 5th album "Poison 21" from February 1984. Written by the actress and singer herself and composed by Masatoshi Nishimura(西村昌敏 ), who was also part of Friends of Earth, the 1980s nostalgia waves emanating from this song were quite heavy due to that synth rhythm and even the sax solo. I swear that the late Laura Branigan could have covered this one; it just seems to be the right fit for what she was singing back in the day. As well, Hiroshi Sato(佐藤博)was helping out on backing chorus, electric guitar and synthesizers.

Did feel like getting a mullet, a silver-gray jacket and a skinny tie after hearing this one. It was pretty much around that time that the Tigers had last won a Japan Series championship.


  1. Thank you for posting this! I liked it so much I decided to check out her discography. Her first album, 1982's "Rolling 80's" sounds like something that came out of a Hollywood musical from the 1950's, pretty cool and interesting.

    1. My pleasure. Just heard some of "Rolling 80's" and yep, she was going full throttle on the jazz.


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