Wednesday, November 22, 2023

J-Canuck's Favourite Akiko Kobayashi Songs(小林明子)


It's always nice when "Uta Con"(うたコン)surprises me with their guests. Seeing Akiko Kobayashi appear last night on the Shibuya stage after so long was definitely a pleasure. Of course, she sang her most famous hit "Koi ni Ochite ~ Fall In Love" and pretty much for the most part, she was able to hold the notes but perhaps those that she was initially jittery on was more due to nerves than age. Another adorable scene was watching Kiyoe Yoshioka(吉岡 聖恵)and Yoshiki Mizuno(水野良樹)of Ikimonogakari(いきものがかり)actually get a little fangirl-y over Kobayashi because they used to cover "Koi ni Ochite" when they were busking on the streets years ago. Good times.

Anyways, it's a bit surprising that up to now I hadn't put up my own favourite choices from Kobayashi's discography but seeing what I saw last night, this is the perfect opportunity. Perhaps for a lot of people out there, Kobayashi has been seen as a one-hit wonder with "Koi ni Ochite", but since I first started working on KKP, I don't really believe in one-hit wonders anymore: bands and singers will always have their fair share of hits for their most dedicated fans, and I am a Kobayashi fan.

(1985) Koi ni Ochite (恋におちて)

(1985) Diary(ダイアリー)

(1985)  Stardust Memories

(1986) Kokoro Midarete: Say It With Flowers (心みだれて)

(1988) Only the Angels Know

(1989) My Precious Friend

(1990) Kokoro no Siesta (心のシエスタ)


  1. Uta-con was a treat for those of use who love kayokyoku! Akiko Kobayashi I guess is another super star that go tired of the fame and has been living in the UK since 1991! Well, I have an American expat friend who has been living in Japan since 1989 the same year I was in the 4th or 5th grade of Elementary school.

    1. I don't think that she ever gained superstar status but I believe that she did mention ever so slightly on the show that she hasn't had any regrets about moving away from Japan to the UK. Not surprisingly, the hosts quickly moved to have her sing "Koi ni Ochite". :)

  2. Replies
    1. Hello, YMOfan04. Yeah, hair was living large back then.


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