Monday, January 8, 2024

Masarina -- Sekai de Ichiban Chikaku ni Ite(世界で1番近くにいて)


My previous article regarding the band The Alpha had me sheepishly noting that it had been three years between postings of that group. I have to do the same thing here regarding 80s aidoru Rina Takahashi(高橋利奈). Back in the autumn of 2020, I said in the article for her "Juu-roku Sai no Gishiki"(16歳の儀式)that I would have to talk about her later tandem situation as one-half of the vocal duo Masarina soon.

Well, I guess soon means three years later. I was never exactly perfect on these promises. Anyways to make up for lost time, let me introduce Masarina which had Takahashi and Checkers' keyboardist and backup vocal Masaharu Tsuruku(鶴久政治)join forces for about a year in 1991 and 1992. The pair released a couple of singles and one album of which I have here their 2nd single "Sekai de Ichiban Chikaku ni Ite" (Be the Closest to Me in the World) which was released in February 1992.

Yep, it's a cornball title and from the arrangement of a bit of old Checkers' rock n' roll with a big dollop of Latin along with the delivery of Masarina, there's a certain tongue-in-cheek approach to the song. This was written by Yasushi Akimoto(秋元康)and composed by Tsugutoshi Goto(後藤次利), the same duo who was helping out in Ushirogami Hikaretai's(うしろ髪ひかれ隊)1988 "BAB" album which I posted about yesterday. I'd say that the song was designed just so for the karaoke lovers if a good duet was in order during the two hours at the bar.

Good heavens! They even had choreography! Anyways, "Sekai de Ichiban Chikau ni Ite" was also included on that Masarina album, "Masarina" from April 1992. Actually, the song was used as the ending theme for the late 1991 talk show including romance vignettes called "Kamakura Renai Iinkai"(鎌倉恋愛委員会...Kamakura Love Committee) hosted by Checkers' leader Fumiya Fujii(藤井郁弥)and Shibugaki-tai's(シブがき隊)Masahiro Motoki(本木雅弘)

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