Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Sakura Gakuin -- Yume ni Mukatte(夢に向かって)


Writing about the aidoru sub-unit Twinklestars yesterday and then remembering its sister unit, the heavy metal group BABYMETAL, I figured that it was time that I should see about the mother group, Sakura Gakuin(さくら学院...Cherry Blossom Academy). We've never posted anything about this aidoru conglomeration onto the blog, so the time is now.

Therefore, why not talk about the very first single by Sakura Gakuin which lasted between 2010 and 2021? "Yume ni Mukatte" (Toward the Dream) , which was released in December 2010, is a typically cheery anthem of friendship and positivity that was written by Yuriko Mori(森由里子)and composed by Ryo from the Visual-kei rock band defspiral. Viewing the music video, I noticed that even for teenyboppers, these girls looked really young, and so I found out that another gimmick of the group is that the members were only to be 10-15 years of age and once members reached the third year of their junior high school stage (which would be Grade 9 here), it's time for them to "graduate" from the Academy. As I also hinted in Twinklestars' "Tenshi to Akuma"(天使と悪魔), Sakura Gakuin was seen as the school with the sub-units being the school clubs for the members to split up into.

"Yume ni Mukatte" was part of the official single "Yume ni Mukatte/Hello! IVY" which peaked at No. 35 on Oricon. Both songs were also tracks on Sakura Gakuin's debut album "Sakura Gakuin 2010 Nendo ~ message ~"(さくら学院 2010年度 〜message〜...Sakura Gakuin School Year 2010), released in April 2011. That album got as high as No. 54.


  1. It is hard to believe that there still Japanese singers/groups from the past that you have not yet written about.

    1. That's the great thing about continuing with KKP for so long. Always something new out there.


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