Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Sing Like Talking -- Real Life


I realize that I just posted a Sing Like Talking article or at least a regular Friday night Yutaka Kimura Speaks article on an SLT song only a few days ago, but these guys are simply too good to be left alone for long. Plus the Fuyu Aranko video where I could find their "Raining Blues" was filled with some of their other great creations. Resistance was indeed futile.


Case in point is their "Real Life" from SLT's 9th original album "Welcome to Another World" from May 1997. Whenever I entered a record shop and the band had a new album out on the shelves, there was always a blurb designating Chikuzen Sato(佐藤竹善)and the guys as the Kings of AOR which is true to an extent (they're also great with pop ballads, R&B, rock and fusion). Well, this time around though, I think "Real Life" is more of a straight-up pop song created by Sato and bandmate Chiaki Fujita(藤田千章). I believe the lyrics are about a man's verbal reaffirmation of his love for his girlfriend or wife...perhaps after an argument since the words seem to be quite forthright. 

Among my SLT collection, "Welcome to Another World" hasn't been a heavy-rotation CD but listening to "Real Life" and its track mate "Skylark", I'll have to give it another good listen. I'm beginning to re-appreciate this one. The album, by the way, reached No. 4 on Oricon.

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