Friday, January 19, 2024

Slip Some Disco?


Not that I ever was a John Travolta on the disco floor myself, but Kayo Grace, I'm not sure if that is a disco move you're making there. But hey, who am I to criticize? You're enjoying yourself...that's the important thing.

Anyways, just out of a sense of whimsy...and "Kayo Kyoku Plus" has shown plenty of that over the past twelve years, I'm putting up some of my favourite disco-tinged tunes. Good times!

(1978) Taeko Ohnuki -- Iidasenakute (言いだせなくて)

(1978) Ryuichi Sakamoto -- Elastic Dummy

(1978) Hiromi Iwasaki -- Cinderella Honeymoon (シンデレラ・ハネムーン)

(1980) Mariya Takeuchi -- Sweetest Music

(1982) EPO -- Girl In Me

(1997) Ulfuls -- Sore ga Kotae da! (それが答えだ!)


  1. A number of these were pretty recognizable songs! And, I think you may have done some posts focusing specifically on each of the songs in this post, or at least most of them.

    1. Yup, I have the links above to the original posts.


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