Friday, January 12, 2024

Young Gun Silver Fox -- Winners


Just for laughs, I punched in the words Young Gun Silver Fox into the AI art generator to see what I would get. I'd expected something along the lines of an actual silver fox with a gun but not a super handsome middle-aged guy spy with no need for Grecian Formula. Still, he looks like a winner in the James Bond department.

And that is how I will introduce "Winners" by the actual duo Young Gun Silver Fox. I've been a fan of Andy Platts and Shawn Lee for a few years now because of their revival of the ol' West Coast AOR sound from way back. Up to now, they've released four albums between 2015 and 2022. My last article on them was almost a year ago with "Simple Imagination" which is from their latest album "Ticket to Shangri-La" from 2022.

So is "Winners" which caught me from Note One with the mellow horn intro and then the wonderful harmonies by Platts and Lee. Naturally, the Fender Rhodes is in there providing pure AOR joy and relaxation. I know that there are other artists out there bringing back those groovy sounds of yesteryear but I'm just very happy as it is with Young Gun Silver Fox and Ole Børud. An Orange Mimosa to you all!🍹

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