Friday, February 16, 2024

Nanako Sato -- Powder Game(パウダー・ゲーム)


Despite the fears of a huge blizzard yesterday, the worst actually didn't come to pass. In fact, although the transit ride downtown took about twice as long as it usually does, I was able to head down to a good yakitori restaurant to meet up with fellow KKP contributor Larry Chan for dinner. Good conversation and food although my gastronomical excesses have become a thing of the past due to age (and sarcastically speaking, divine punishment). And then, I took a leisurely ride on the streetcar route that I hadn't ridden in about thirty years. There was barely anyone aboard and I could comfortably sleep off some of the cassis orange haze I'd built up at the restaurant.

Well, back to Urban Contemporary Fridays here on "Kayo Kyoku Plus", and we start off this batch with Nanako Sato's(佐藤奈々子)"Powder Game" from her July 1979 album "Kissing Fish". It's definitely Sato City Pop but with the singer-songwriter being even perkier as her lyrics seem to be tackling about a couple of common household powders: baby and baking. She's even perkier perhaps due to the influence of Akiko Yano(矢野顕子)who came up with the melody. Just the way that Sato rides her delivery like a roller coaster reminds me so much of the Yano vocal style; actually, I think Yano herself contributes a bit of background chorus.

There was contemporary J-Pop playing over the speakers at the restaurant last night which I could barely hear. Maybe if something like "Powder Game" had been playing instead, perhaps I could have ended up devouring more skewers of yakitori.


  1. 'sato-city pop' now that is a fitting term and interesting one at that!

    1. Hello, Brian. Yeah, it's all about that voice of hers.


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