Friday, February 16, 2024

NASA -- Get Down


The above is a shot of Shinagawa Station in Tokyo during the morning rush hour. Man, I could only hang back for several minutes by a supporting pillar while the literal tide of humanity flowed past. There was no way I could even muse about penetrating the masses. Basically, if you see the crowds rushing toward you, simply get out!

It's almost been half a decade since I posted up the first couple of articles of the obscure band NASA for "Sexy Spicy Baby" and "Yuuwaku Zone 4425 (FILL ME)"(誘惑ゾーン4425)with their brand of City Pop and AOR. I recall that the first song was originally on the band's one and only album "Sen'ya, Ichiya"(千夜一夜 THOUSAND NIGHTS, ONLY NIGHT) from 1980, and today's long-awaited contribution, "Get Down", also appears on that album.

Written by Casey Rankin and composed by NASA keyboardist Kazufumi Ohama(大浜和史), "Get Down" has that piano-powered shuffle as vocalist and songwriter Toshio Kamei(亀井登志夫)sings the praises of painting the town red in Tokyo. He seems to be volunteering himself as the cordial guide to the bright lights and big city. My compliments to the percussionist as well.

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