Tuesday, March 5, 2024

All-Points Bulletin: Name That Tune


It was just a couple of days ago that I put up that APB for a mystery song relayed to us by Javier. And now today, here is one courtesy of Robert.

As with Javier's "Dreaming", this one known as "Celine" has been given either the Vaporwave or Japanese Future Funk treatment. The video above is at least a decade old and I'd like to thank YouTuber luxury elite for "buying" Canadian. All joking aside though, Robert admits that the music used here may not have anything to do with Japan at all, but it's still very pleasant to listen to in a "Can I have another Orange Mimosa, please? I'll put it on my American Express" sort of way.

Robert actually sent me the link to a slightly altered version of "Celine".


Could it be Terumasa Hino(日野皓正), famed trumpet player of Japan? I've got no idea. But if you do, let all of us know.

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