Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Minoru Komorita & Alpha -- Moon Light Dance


Looks like Kayo Grace Kyoku is enjoying her time tripping the light fantastic under the moon. Hopefully, it won't be too long before the climate stabilizes somewhat in both Japan and Canada and all of us can enjoy some nice weather for spring.

Well, this is quite the discovery. I've known about The Alpha for a few years now as a band into its cool rock and New Wave going into the late 1980s, and then there is singer-songwriter Minoru Komorita(小森田実) who's been showing up on the pages of "Kayo Kyoku Plus" all these years in his songwriting capacity but not so much as an actual singer until last month when I posted up his 1989 solo debut single "Natsu dake no Diana"(夏だけの女神). I also discovered that Komorita had been once part of the band in the early 1980s.

Back in that first half of the decade, the band was officially known as Minoru Komorita & Alpha. I guess that back then, the band was into lighter pop fare after listening to their December 1983 second single "Moon Light Dance". Certainly, the single's cover hints that the band did love to goof around. Written and composed by Komorita himself, "Moon Light Dance" is a nimble-footed and bouncy urban synthpop tune, and I have to confess that the singer sounds a bit like the late KAN.

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