Sunday, April 7, 2024

Denki Groove -- Shameful


Let's see...for a Sunday, it was quite stressful. We've had a telephone modem that's been doing more conniptions than a stomach unaccustomed to flying or roller coasters. Spent an hour talking with a technician online and then another waiting and then consulting with a real live tech as he replaced the bum battery and power cord on the thing. The modem is back to its happy self...for now. It hasn't been a good year for me and technology.

It's "Shameful". Nope, not my lack of adeptness with telecommunications but the subject of this article. To be exact, this is the April 2012 single by those techno wizards, Denki Groove(電気グルーヴ). Although I wouldn't call it the very best of their dance club-worthy stuff, I did need "Shameful" to get me somewhat out of my gloom and fatigue today. 

The video with the junior DJs was rather cute. And looking at those mile-high towers of school desks reminded me of certain scenes in the 1982 "Poltergeist". I really had that feeling to try and shoot something down myself after a modem issue that could have entered its second week. Anyways, "Shameful" ranked in at No. 26 on Oricon and it was also a track on Denki Groove's February 2013 album "Ningen to Doubutsu"(人間と動物...Human Beings and Animals) which peaked at No. 12.


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