Sunday, April 7, 2024

Ms. OOJA -- Forbidden Love


I was listening to some of the collection that KKP writer JTM was kind enough to give me last night and one of the albums was Ms. OOJA's "Heart" which came out in May 2012. Recently, she's been on the City Pop bandwagon doing covers of some of the classics of the realm such as Miki Matsubara's(松原みき)"Stay With Me" and Yasuha's(泰葉)"Fly-Day Chinatown".

However, my good friend Danny first introduced her discography to me several years ago, and she was singing her own R&B material. "Heart" was her 2nd original album and from it comes "Forbidden Love" which stood out to me. Written by the breathy-voiced singer and composed by JiN, the song fairly flows like comfortably warm spring water but there's also a soupcon of Latin spice in there, too. As much as I appreciate her covers of City Pop, I also hope that she can bring back some of that contemporary soul and funk into her music.

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