Monday, July 1, 2024

Just for Fun...The J-C AI Gallery -- Masaaki & Yoko, Junko O. and Yosui (Canada Day Edition)


Happy Canada Day! Yep, the Great White North is 157 years old today so it's a statutory holiday here. Hopefully, my fellow Canadians are enjoying BBQs or ribfests or other holiday-themed activities from Vancouver to St. John's. As such, I felt that today may be a good opportunity to provide a Canada-themed exhibition at the J-C AI Gallery with some of our kayo kyoku.

Masaaki Hirao and Yoko Hatanaka -- Canada Kara no Tegami (カナダからの手紙)

Junko Ohashi & Minowa Central Station -- Canadian Lullaby (カナディアン・ララバイ)

Yosui Inoue -- Canadian Accordion (カナディアン アコーデオン)

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