
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Yuuichiro Oda -- Let Me Know


Well, welcome to the final Friday before Christmas. Toronto got its icing sugar dusting of snow overnight so maybe there's a chance that we may get a White Christmas on Wednesday. Even the Kanto area including Tokyo may get some of the white stuff in the next few days.

The late singer-songwriter Yuuichiro Oda(小田裕一郎)has continued to make his presence known on the pages of "Kayo Kyoku Plus" for his songwriting prowess for other clients...80s aidoru Mikako Hashimoto(橋本美加子)being the most recent one on the blog. But the last time that Oda himself was on the byline was way back in late 2019 for his 1984 "Spanish Girl".

However, I have one here today which was Oda's 1985 single "Let Me Know". It can also be found on his album from the same year, "ODA 3", and it's a pleasant and mellow AOR tune which sounds a fair bit like a Western ballad from the 80s that I used to know. Unfortunately at this time, I can't remember the title or the singer, but perhaps one of you readers might recognize it from listening to the song. In any case, Oda was in charge of the melody with Makoto Yano(矢野誠)behind that arrangement. Jim Steel was the lyricist here but I'm curious whether that is the name of a real lyricist or an Oda pseudonym. I couldn't find any presence of a Jim Steel as a singer or songwriter online. Let me know.😋

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