
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Japanese Pop Songs: Female and Male Names


Last Sunday, I put up an article titled "Japanese Pop Songs: Female Names", celebrating the fact that kayo kyoku and J-Pop shared a tendency with Western pop music in coming up with songs named after women. Well, men's names have been used on both sides of the Pacific to title certain ditties over the decades, too. Although I couldn't find a whole bunch of male names for songs, I did find some more female names fronting those tunes so here is my additional list of female and male names.

(1980) Yellow Magic Orchestra -- Rydeen (雷電)

(1974) Hideki Saijo -- Kizudarake no Lola (傷だらけのローラ)

(1986) Akiko Yano -- David

(1970) Salty Sugar -- Hashire Koutarou(走れコウタロー)

(1973) Pedro & Capricious -- Go-ban Gai no Mari e (五番街のマリーへ)

(1973) Pedro & Capricious -- Johnny e no Dengon (ジョニイへの伝言)

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