
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

CreepHyp -- Ao Ume(青梅)


In the last 24 hours, I've received an email from my anime buddy who's once again out and about in Japan. He's currently staying with his friend in the wilds of Ome(青梅), Tokyo, a city out on the western mountainous outskirts of the megalopolis. Now, years ago, there was another friend who's long been back here in Toronto but a few decades ago, he'd been living in Ome in a company dormitory that was right across from the factory where he was working.

To be honest, I never made it out to Ome, but my impression back then had been that the city (which actually has a population of over 100,000 people) was some remote village considering that my friend told me that even in train-filled Japan, transportation between Ome and central Tokyo was relatively sparse. Basically, I'd thought that Ome Station was one of those tiny unmanned shacks nestled by the tracks and that my friend's company and dormitory were the only happening things in the entire district. However, as my anime buddy and I have found out, it's really not that desolate at all, and the above 9-year-old video by TabiEats makes that clear. In fact, I think that it could have become quite the magnet for nostalgia fans.

Because of my buddy's email and the memories of my old friend's former residence, I decided to see if there were a go-touchi song based on far-fetched as that could be. As it turns out, there is a song with the same kanji as those for the city of note here but it's not a go-touchi song and I don't think it really has anything to do with any city. If I'm not mistaken, the title is "Ao Ume" meaning "Unripe Plums" by the rock band CreepHyp.

CreepHyp, led by vocalist and guitarist Sekaikan Ozaki(尾崎世界観), is a band that I posted about back in the pre-pandemic days of 2019 when I noted their rat-a-tat surf rock march, "Obake de Ii kara Hayaku Kite"(おばけでいいからはやくきて). Last year in May, they released the just-as-rat-a-tat "Ao Ume" as a single about a couple of figurative plums ripening up because of love. Written and composed by Ozaki, the music video certainly doesn't look like it had been filmed in Ome but it does show a person going to Avengers levels of heroics for their one-and-only including one stunt that must have been inspired by the 1987 movie "The Untouchables". Usually for such a video, I had expected that the lass would be an ungrateful tsundere despite her significant other's deeds but I was glad to see that she was quite flattered for the protection.

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