
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

TUBE -- Aquarian Girl


A few weeks ago, Japan had its Golden Week holidays. Well, here in Canada, we are currently in our Victoria Day long weekend so a lot of local folks here have been hightailing it out of the city over the past couple of days out to cottage country. Surprisingly, the reports have it that the ride on the highway hasn't been all that bad so far which is indeed a rare thing to hear.

It was well over a decade ago when I posted the article for good-time summer band TUBE's "Ah--Natsu Yasumi" (あ~夏休み), their 11th single from May 1990. That was a really fun song that probably had fans and non-fans alike slavering early for the hot season, beaches and margaritas. 

In commemoration of the first big long weekend for the upcoming summer here in the GTA, I'm going with the coupling song for "Ah--Natsu Yasumi", "Aquarian Girl". A little less frenetic than the main song, "Aquarian Girl", written by vocalist Nobuteru Maeda(前田亘輝)and composed by TUBE member Michiya Haruhata(春畑道哉), it's still has loads of TUBE goodness and atmosphere to persuade folks to hit the beaches and the surf. From the looks of it on the J-Wiki article for the single, the coupling song has not ever made it to an album of any sort. Still, it's been popular enough to make it to concert performance status.

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