
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hibari Misora -- Kappa Boogie Woogie (河童ブギウギ)

My "earliest" entry...going into 1949. And perhaps an odd way to start the Hibari Misora(美空ひばり) file. After all, this is the legendary singer of enka and jazz who put a huge stamp onto kayo kyoku for over 40 years. Apparently, during her many appearances on the annual Kohaku Utagassen, she awed her fellow singers into terror. According to Wikipedia, she recorded 1,200 songs and into the 21st century, she had (posthumously) sold over 80 million records.

But as I said, this is an odd tune to start with, but "Kappa Boogie Woogie" was her very first song released as a single. A kappa is a water sprite in Japanese folklore which looks like a cross between a frog and a bird. The pre-teen Misora, who was born as Kazue Kato(加藤和枝) in 1937, performed the song in the film "Odoru Ryuuguujou" (踊る龍宮城....Dancing Dragon Palace) in costume.

Of course, Misora ended up leading the Japanese through the postwar rebuilding and into their economic miracle. I'm not a die-hard fan of hers but she released so many nostalgic songs, I just automatically go "I know that one!" whenever I hear one of them.


  1. Hi J-Canuck..

    So finally you include Misora Hibari..
    Interesting i have try to collect all her recording buw its just too iam happy with about dozen cds..
    Hard to choose which song is my fav..there ara many but probably the most fav is Omae ni horeta..


  2. Hi, Makoto-gawa.

    Yep, I gather that it would be a major undertaking to collect every one of her CDs...probably collecting her Best discs would be difficult, too. I don't know enough of Misora's works to decide on what would be my favourite. I tend to like her more jazzier fare such as "Tokyo Boogie Woogie".



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