
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

ORESAMA -- Night Beat


When I think of the words "night beat", I don't automatically think of something groovy from City Pop. Being a Torontonian, my memories go to the title of the evening news on CFTO Channel 9 which was "Night Beat News".

And that was the case when I came across duo ORESAMA's "Night Beat", a track from their October 2022 Blu-Ray and EP combo package "Trek Trunk" which sounds like a box that I kept under my bed for paraphernalia connected with my once-favourite TV sci-fi series. Although I did provide a song of theirs on the blog a little over a year ago which had originated on the 2017 anime "Mahoujin Guru Guru"(魔法陣グルグル...Magical Circle Guru Guru), I still feel like it's been ages since I mentioned anything about the groovy group.

"Night Beat" is Track 4 on the EP but it still feels like a Track 1 with that characteristic ORESAMA disco groove, and as far as I know, I don't think it has any connection to an anime which is too bad. I wonder if there will be a music video attached to this one. I've always enjoyed the illustrations and animation attached to the group.


  1. I don't get it sometime Youtube let's me enjoy the videos and other times it doesn't. It really does not make any sense because I was able to find the very same song on Youtube here without a problem: I like Disco and that 70's sound so this song is one I will be playing.

    1. Yeah, there must be some logic regarding how and whether YouTube videos get played when it involves songs and albums, but I have yet to find out about it.


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