
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

"Soundtrack" from "Otona no Wagamama Tabi"(大人のわがまま旅)

By Alix Lee
at Good Free Photos

I didn't think that I would write such an article but after having watched NHK's travelogue "Otona no Wagamama Tabi" (An Adult's Selfish Trip) last night, I was rather inspired by the "soundtrack" pushing things along. The city for last night's episode was Taipei, Taiwan, and unfortunately, I couldn't find any sign of anything of the NHK show but I figure that the network had done its usual search-and-destroy mission of any signs of unpermitted NHK coverage on YouTube. However, I've found a fine video by Maibaru Travel as you can see above. I've been to Taipei myself once and all I can say after watching the episodes is that I still have much to discover about the city, especially when it comes to its gastronomy.

Anyways, about that eclectic "soundtrack", and yes, I have put it in quotation marks because I'm fairly sure that NHK is not going to put out an actual soundtrack but I thought it was nice to hear some of the old songs, a few of which were instrumental covers while others were the real McCoy. Here is what I heard as the actor/model on "Otona no Wagamama Tabi" was touring and eating his way through Taipei

(1997) Yumi Yoshimura -- V.A.C.A.T.I.O.N.

(1986) Akiko Yano -- David

(1981) Eiichi Ohtaki -- FUN X 4

(1990) Kome Kome Club -- Roman Hiko (浪漫飛行)

(1978) Yellow Magic Orchestra -- Tong Poo(東風)

(1998) Misia -- Tsutsumikomuyouni (つつむ込むように)

1 comment:

  1. Kome Kome Club's Roman Hiko is a bit an interesting song in that it existed in 1987 see 'side A' of the Komeguny album(1987), but was released or re-released as single in 1990 and made famous by JAL CM. So, it is both a Showa and Heisei song at the same time!


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