I'm a bit surprised by this one. I have heard Ruiko Kurahashi's(倉橋ルイ子)"Umi no Mieru Mado kara ~ Omoide no Natsu" (The Ocean View from the Window ~ Summer of My Memories) a number of times before, but I realized that I had yet to cover this one.
A track from Kurahashi's September 1982 3rd album, "Heartbreak Theater", it's a fitting ballad by one of my favourite singers because it is about that sad look out of the bus window while going along the beach where probably the lass in the lyrics had once frolicked with her beau back in the summer. However, it's plainly evident that despite her love for him, the romance is as dead as the autumn leaves fallen from the tree. It's the quintessential Ruiko ballad with her languid delivery, Tetsuji Hayashi's(林哲司) melancholy tear-stained melody and Machiko Ryu's(竜真知子)words. The bluesy saxophone and the chorus backing the singer just ups the ante on wistfulness.
Now, I was more than a little surprised you haven't covered "Umi no Mieru Mado kara ~ Omoide no Natsu" before, as you have actually reviewed a lot of Ruiko Kurahashi's discography on this blog. But alas, it is true! I double-checked just to be sure.