
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Tsukasa Ito -- Yokohama Meruhen(横浜メルヘン)


That's a nice photo of a street leading up to the tall Landmark Tower in Yokohama during the spring. I think that there are places in both Canada and Japan (including Toronto) that are just aching for some of that warm weather and cherry blossoms right now after a very wintry season. Simply think good thoughts for a few more weeks.

Plus, you can give Tsukasa Ito's(伊藤つかさ)5th single from November 1982, "Yokohama Meruhen" (Yokohama Fairy Tale), a spin on the record player or CD device. For a single coming out rather late in the year, it's got quite the spring bounce and there's very much of an Agnes Chan-like high-toned vocal coming out of Ito's mouth. Ryo Kawakami's(川上了)arrangement gives quite the 80s aidoru impression with the sliding strings and the twinkly keyboards. Singer-songwriter Mayo Shouno(庄野真代)took care of the lyrics while Masami Koizumi(小泉まさみ)was the composer.

1 comment:

  1. Since the first commercially available CD player The Sony CDP-101 was introduced in October of 1982. It is very unlikely that in November of 1982 横浜メルヘンwould have been on CD. I know for a fact that 横浜メルヘン/product code: JAS-2040 was issued as a 7-inch vinyl record, to be played at 45 RPM and it cost ¥700 which would be approximately equivalent to to ¥990 today.


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