
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ikue Sakakibara -- Shining Love (シャイニング・ラブ)

Aidoru of the 70s and 80s don't really fade away....they just become tarento on TV shows and commercials. Ikue Sakakibara(榊原郁恵)firmly falls into that category. I've seen her chat, cook and laugh just about everywhere on the TV remote for decades. But the first time I ever saw her was on that 1981 Kohaku Utagassen when she was still singing away. Despite releasing 39 singles between 1977 and 1986, I wouldn't say she became a superstar as an aidoru, but for sentimental purposes, I've always remembered "Shining Love", her 23rd single written by Machiko Ryu(竜真知子)and composed by Yuuichiro Oda(小田祐一郎).

The little pixie, wearing that cute little beret (although not in the above video) and wide-as-the-Mississippi smile on stage, just warmed my two-sizes-too-small heart at the time. Her diminutive size and smile helped her get a regular gig as Peter Pan for about 2 decades.

Enjoy this ad for curry cubes. As we all do.

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