
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Seiko Tomizawa -- Ku-gatsu no Melody(9月のメロディ)


I was looking at the calendar in my bedroom last night and noticed that September 17th was given the label of Mid-Autumn Moon Festival for the Chinese. Well, the same event is observed in Japan as well and I've usually been reminded of this through the local McDonalds seasonal sale of tsukimi burgers.

Y'know...I don't think I've ever tried a tsukimi burger. I've never been a big fan of fried egg on top of a beef patty unfortunately. Make mine Big Mac!🍔

Anyways to add onto the impending autumn feeling, I'm bringing over a seasonal-sounding song from long ago. "Ku-gatsu no Melody" (September Melody) was written, composed and recorded by Seiko Tomizawa(富沢聖子)as one track from her 1983 album "Melody Palette", and it shares space with "Oshare Tea Time"(おしゃれTEA TIME). Like that song, it rather hovers between City Pop and pop with the latter side taking on the feeling of an old-fashioned pop ballad with its gentle lullaby-like lilt and its coda of tenderhearted strings and soft ocean waves silkily finishing things off.


  1. In the background of that McDonalds CM I hear Ayaka's mikazuki ! Anway I hope you get a chance to try the tsukimi burger!

    1. Yup, I noticed "Mikazuki" as well. Probably won't be trying the tsukimi burger. I've had the teriyaki burger there which is OK.


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