
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ayumi Shirota -- Call Me


Happy Tuesday! And we're in our first heat wave in Toronto for Summer 2024...even though we're still a couple of days away from official Summer. I had been showing my sympathy for Tokyoites the week before due to the heat that was already swallowing them up but now we Torontonians will be relying heavily on the air conditioning and cool drinks for the rest of this week.

Anyways, just wanted to bring in another spritely song by relatively short-careered aidoru Ayumi Shirota(白田あゆみ). I had posted her second KKP article back in January, and my impression is that though she didn't too long a time in the geinokai (1983-1989), her music seemed quite refined, thereby further illustrating how aidoru music in the late 1980s did have some wonderfully classy arrangements.

From her debut album "Anata no Hitomi ni Utsuritai"(あなたの瞳に映りたい...I Want to See Myself in Your Eyes) released in February 1988, I give you the track "Call Me" that throws in hints of Latin and perhaps even Eurobeat but perhaps not in enough amounts to earn those labels in Labels. Still, they're enough to give Shirota's song some pretty nice pizzazz. "Call Me" was written by Kenzo Saeki(サエキけんぞう)and composed Hideya Nakazaki(中崎英也). Incidentally, I should post something up on Blondie's "Call Me" in a ROY article sometime soon.


  1. Ayumi Shirota's music didn't quite transition in the 1990's. Her musical activity 'seemed' to end sometime in 1989 when she retired. A lot of questions! Did she go back to school? Did she get married? Was she simply tired of show business?

    1. It could have been one or a combination of all three. My impression is that show business in Japan especially is not a career for the faint of heart or mind.


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