
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Yukako Hayase -- Tsubaki Hime no Natsu(椿姫の夏)


Yukako Hayase(早瀬優香子)is a singer that I discovered because of the work on "Kayo Kyoku Plus" over the past dozen years. So far, although there are only a few of her songs on the blog, I've gotten the impression that she's been able to gain her own loyal group of followers for her appealingly quirky brand of technopop.

Case in point: her April 1987 single "Tsubaki Hime no Natsu" (The Summer of the Lady of the Camellias). Written by Yukinojo Mori(森雪之丞)and composed by Haruomi Hosono(細野晴臣), even going late into the 1980s, Harry still had some of that remaining YMO magic spinning around in his head when he made what sounds like some happy techno cabaret for Hayase. I can imagine two professional tango robots tripping the light fantastic on the dance floor here.

"Tsubaki Hime no Natsu" also got a slight re-arrangement when it was placed on Hayase's July 1987 album "Polyester". It still keeps its techno sheen but it then maintains things a little more intimately as if the cabaret club got a little smaller and at the same time, it gains a bit more of that old Tin Pan Alley(ティン・パン・アレー) Tiki bar style. Incidentally, the single version was used for a Shiseido cosmetics campaign.

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