
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Rabi Nakayama -- Hane ga nai(羽根がない)

As I've done so before, I've often referred to Wednesday as Hump Day, far away from last weekend but not close enough to this weekend, so it's not exactly the happiest day in terms of the work week. However, taking into consideration the observation that the dreaded snowstorm that I'd been expecting to invade the Greater Toronto Area has yet to appear, I'm not feeling too bad right now. I am knocking really hard on my wooden desk, though.

Still, in matching the day, here is something a little more maudlin called "Hane ga nai" (No Wings) by the late singer-songwriter Rabi Nakayama(中山ラビ). I introduced her on the blog late last year through her 1980 single "Komatta Onna"(困った女)and she was once called the female Bob Dylan of Japan.

"Hane ga nai" shares track space with "Komatta Onna" on her October 1980 album "Aeba Saiko"(会えば最高...It'd Be Great If We Met), and like the single, although I'm not sure if it really comes across as a City Pop tune, it's still a cool and bluesy New Music song. Nakayama both wrote and composed "Hane ga nai", and although I couldn't track down its lyrics, it strikes me as being somewhat of a woe-is-me ballad about a woman who can't quite get out of her doldrums and perhaps she's drowning those sorrows in copious drink in some hidey-hole in Shinjuku. I wouldn't be surprised if the weather outside that bar is dreary and wet.

Well, it's looking dreary outside here too but not too snowy. Let's hope that it stays that way for the next little while.

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