
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Akina Nakamori -- Nukumori(温り)


Happy to say that for what's probably the third year in a row, "Kayo Kyoku Plus" has been able to reach 100 articles for one month, and thank heavens, it was for the final month of the year. Wasn't sure if we would be able to reach it but here we are. 

I was thinking about who and what I would post as the 100th article for December, and well, although Noelle will probably never let me live it down, I just have to go with good ol' Akina Nakamori(中森明菜)😆. I've been going more for her early B-sides in the last few years, since I've basically covered pretty much all of her A-side hits, and this choice is no exception. 

Nakamori's 4th single was "Ni-bun no Ichi no Shinwa"(1/2の神話)from February 1983 which was representative of what the lass was releasing in her early days with that tsuppari rock n' roll vibe. So, it was with some surprise listening to the B-side, "Nukumori" (Warmth) which is a very different song. Written and composed by Azusa Inoue(井上あづさ)and arranged by Mitsuo Hagita(萩田光雄), it begins with a gliding string section hinting at some jazzy variety show-friendly ballad but then that familiar guitar of bossa nova comes in. We then get some slice of exotic kayo describing a woman's gradual acceptance that her former boyfriend has moved on in his life with a new love as well as accepting her own decision to move on while grateful for the past relationship. The nostalgia certainly rolls in like waves on the beach as I hear Akina-chan's original higher voice for balladry.

Anyways, onwards and upwards as we make out way to 1100 for the year. 


  1. Well, congratulations on the 100th post of the month! Hmm, maybe you should have gotten a job writing for the New Paper. Oh, well, I love listening to anything by Akina Nakamori! She always struck me as so much more interesting and dynamic than Seiko. I am not putting Seiko down, but with Akina and her music there is always a bit of intrigue and mystic. And Akina's charming smile.

    1. Yeah, I'm perfectly with both Seiko and Akina. As one of my friends described them, they seem to represent light and dark respectively.


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