
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Keiko Matsui -- Luminescence


It's no big secret that I've also been a fan of jazz and fusion, and especially I get interested in some of the Japanese and Japanese-American acts that have graced both our shores. A few decades ago, I was fascinated by the light and fresh nimbleness of pianist Hiroko Kokubu(国府弘子)and in recent years, I was also fortunate enough to have discovered the multi-instrumentalist Yutaka Yokokura(横倉裕)and his dexterity with both Western and Japanese instruments.

Even more recently, I found out about Tokyo-born jazz pianist and composer Keiko Matsui(松居慶子)and I gave a listen to one of the tracks from her latest album "Euphoria", released in 2023. "Luminescence" is quite the glowing traipse through the city with Matsui's piano and her buddy instruments having quite the time together. Piano, bass, organ, percussion and horns all together for one heck of a picnic in the park on a sunny day. 

The name Keiko Matsui rang a bell with me. I did read or hear it once before and as it turns out, she has been mentioned here at "Kayo Kyoku Plus". She was once part of the young keyboard trio known as COSMOS, back when she was known as Keiko Doi(土居慶子). Another member of the band was current composer Michiru Oshima(大島ミチル).

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