
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Yutaka Yokokura -- Morena


Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there! We're gonna have the big family get-together in a few hours but earlier this morning, I was happy to take both my parents out for breakfast. I'd say that Mom's dish wasn't quite as fancy as the above photo which was from our Harmony of the Seas cruise in 2017 but I can guarantee it was more voluminous. I had the Eggs Benedict.

When it comes to music that's just perfect for Sunday breakfast or brunch, I've often thought of musician Yutaka Yokokura(横倉裕). His mixture of jazz, AOR, Latin and Japanese instrumentation has had me thinking about a nice glass of orange juice, smoked salmon and a stack of hotcakes. 

It's been a while so I'm happy to welcome him back onto KKP with one of the tracks from his 1990 album "Brazasia". Back in 2020, I posted something about the title track itself, and today, I'm writing about another song from there, "Morena", and it's another winner that's very refreshing and comfortable for a Sunday. I've been able to get a number of Yokokura's albums but "Brazasia" is alas still not on my shelf but someday, I'll get my own copy. Meanwhile, please feel free to pass the crème fraiche.


  1. I am really fond of your food photos!

    1. Thanks! I would have begun Instagram a lot longer ago but I can do without another account and password to remember.


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