
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Heartbreakers -- Unknown Title


This post is gonna be an interesting one. It's not quite an All-Points Bulletin because we know who the subjects are and it's possible that the song here may have never gotten an official title.

KKP commenter YMOfan04 put me onto this mystery about ten days ago when she left some information under the article for dynamic duo BaBe's "She has a dream"Tomoko Kondo(近藤智子)and Yukari Nikaido(二階堂ゆかり)were a prior incarnation known as Heartbreakers(ハートブレイカーズ)paired up with Saori Saito(斉藤さおり)in the mid-1980s, something that I mentioned in Saito's own article for "Yokogao"(横顔).

According to YMOfan04's information, even earlier than Saito and Heartbreakers, Kondo and Nikaido had been part of choreographer Hajime Ichinomiya's(一の宮はじめ ジャズダンスアカデミー)Jazz Dance Academy where they first met. In 1984, the pair were given the name Breakers(ブレイカーズ) after which they appeared in a movie called "The Audition" which was released in November of that year. Almost a year later, another young lady, Mariko Saeki(佐伯万里子), who had also been in the movie, joined Kondo and Nikaido to form a trio Heartbreakers which participated in various events such as school festivals and concerts. Several months later, apparently there was a switch in which Saeki had left and Saito came in.

In any case, out of that original Heartbreakers with Saeki came the above song. Even the YouTuber behind the posting of the song has no idea about what the title is, so we're both wondering aloud. In any case, it is a pop/rock number whose arrangement reminds me of some of the early Minako Honda(本田美奈子)discography and a number of background songs in Hollywood TV shows and movies of that time. If anyone has insights about the song, please let us know.

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