
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Misako Honjo -- Wanna Be a Superstar


Looks like Kayo Grace has decided to spread her wings a bit professionally and go into a rock band. Well, good for her.

Back last August, I first wrote about heavy metal and rock singer Misako Honjo(本城未沙子)and her "Emergency" which was her debut single from 1984. Unfortunately, the video for that one has been taken down due to the usual reasons and I can only provide a link to "Billboard Japan". 

Hopefully though, the above will last longer. "Wanna Be a Superstar" is a track on Honjo's August 1985 album "Foresight". Written by Kayoko Fuyumori(冬杜花代子), who had also been the lyricist for "Emergency", and composed by Takehiko Kogure(木暮武彦), Honjo anthemically proclaims her ambitions. Loud and proud, she is! The intriguing thing though is that her vocals don't get super-shreddy; they are actually pretty smooth despite the usual volume involved in a metal adventure. Not sure if she ever became a superstar but here's hoping that she was able to get a loyal base of fans over the years.


  1. Years before Hirao Ken's "pop star" there was "Wanna be Superstar"! Kayo Grace looks very 80's maybe even 1990's with a jean jacket. Who am I kidding Jean Jackets are timeless!


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