
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

ORESAMA -- Mimimoto de Tsukamaete(耳もとでつかまえて)/Kuusou Flight(空想フライト)


It's approaching seven years since I saw the 2017 version of the anime "Mahoujin Guru Guru"(魔法陣グルグル...Magical Circle Guru Guru) which starred among others, A-list seiyuu Konomi Kohara(小原好美)who had just started out in the industry when she got the main role of Kukuri(ククリ). The show was often hilarious and despite its status as a mystical isekai program, the theme songs for the 2017 version were often on the catchy and danceable synthpop end of things.

Strangely enough, I was listening to one of those opening theme songs from "Mahoujin Guru Guru" the other day. I posted the single "Trip Trip Trip" back in August 2017. Created and performed by the duo ORESAMA, it has been a fun technopop romp. But I haven't ignored the coupling songs either. For instance, there is "Mimimoto de Tsukamaete" (Grab Me by the Ears) which is more of the same albeit at a much mellower tempo, and as lyricist and vocalist Pon(ぽん)sings it, it's all about the joy and wonder about getting the notes of a splendid song in those ears. 

The second coupling song is a perky tune called "Kuusou Flight" (Flight of Fantasy). As is the case with all of the songs from the single, ORESAMA partner Hideya Kojima(小島英也)came up with the bouncy techno disco beat about spending a great time traveling around the world. Shoutouts are given to Hong Kong, Las Vegas, Germany, Rome and Paris. I think the song is far more well-traveled than I am.


  1. I have seen these characters before, but I don't think I ever sat down to watch the show. However, I like the upbeat music!

    1. Yeah, the anime was something I liked because of its nearly non-stop scatterbrain humour.


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