
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Nash Music Library -- Koucha(紅茶)


Yes, as a kid, I used to drink the old orange pekoe tea with milk and sugar for breakfast for years before I graduated my way into coffee, the university student's jet fuel for cramming and all-nighters. Then in Japan, I discovered that the masses also loved a cold version of what I had used to drink, heavy on the sugar and milk.

Indeed, Kirin's Gogo no Koucha(午後の紅茶...Afternoon Tea) was part of what helped me endure the hot humid summers in the Tokyo area. Whether it was the can from the vending machines or the 2L bottles filled with the stuff, the milk tea kept me hydrated and relatively happy. The wonderful thing is that I can even purchase Gogo no Koucha from time to time at the local Walmart here, usually when it's on sale.

It's time for another entry from Nash Music Library. The last time I posted a song from them, it was "Cocktail From Japan" that was released in 2024. This entry goes all the way back to April 1998 with their "Fusion" album. "Koucha" (Black Tea) is a simply skippy and happy pop song with its own supply of caffeine to keep folks going. The piano is the main instrument here and the song sounds like it would be perfect as the BGM for some trendy drama of the late 1980s. Perhaps "Koucha" might even be a little too genki for a sedate time at the local café sipping koucha.

1 comment:

  1. 生茶 , Oi ~ Ocha's 緑茶 まろやか (mellow tea), and maybe kirin lemon, too!


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