I'm not quite sure what the rationale behind it is, but it's a unique thing within the JR Shinkansen lines for different Bullet Trains to link up (in this case above, the green Hayabusa and the red Komachi) and travel together from one station to another after which they decouple with each going in other directions. Then they loop back and link up once more and head back down. Well, in the last few months, there have been some sudden and unexpected decouplings of these trains while en route which have snarled schedules all over the place and even made the top spot on the news. Hopefully, the problem is resolved as soon as possible.
As I mentioned in the last article that I put up for the singing group Hayabusa(はやぶさ), even they had a decoupling of sorts when one of the former trio, Shouya(ショウヤ), left in 2018 due to health reasons. So since then, it's been just Hikaru(ヒカル)and Yamato(ヤマト)holding the kayo kyoku fort.
On a recent edition of "Shin BS Nihon no Uta"(新・BS日本のうた ), Hayabusa appeared to perform their latest single from December 2024, "Yogiri no Serenade" (Night Fog Serenade). Written by Sho Asakura(朝倉翔)and composed by Masayoshi Tsuruoka(鶴岡雅義)from Tokyo Romantica(東京ロマンチカ)fame, it's a classic Mood Kayo right down to the Spanish guitar and the mournful backing chorus. It almost sounds like the song materialized right from the 1960s into the 2020s.
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