
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, June 4, 2021

TINNA -- Little Bit Bad Thing


When I was a little kid, I remember reading the entertainment section of the Toronto Star and there used to be a lot of the movie listings, including the ones for (ahem) more adult viewing. 😙 There was a blurb for one of them stating "When she was good, she was really good, but when she was bad, she was REALLY BAD!".

That catchphrase is what coalesces in my mind when I hear TINNA's "Little Bit Bad Thing". A track from their December 1978 LP "Long Distance", it's got oodles of disco funk in there and the man behind the music was Yasunori Soryo(æƒŁé ˜æł°ć‰‡)who had been married to one-half of the duo, Tomoko Soryo(æƒŁé ˜æ™ș歐). According to the JASRAC database, Melanie Strain came up with the English lyrics, and Soryo and her singing partner, Mariko Takahashi(é«˜æ©‹çœŸç†ć­), and no, I'm not talking about the singer who used to be the vocalist for Pedro & Capricious, really get down and go sultry with the delivery about a woman who feels that the cad in her life is a bad influence but can't help but remain smitten.

All in all, I kinda wonder whether "Little Bit Bad Thing" is a little bit of Stevie Wonder arrangement with a little bit of Donna Summer enunciation.

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