
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Masahito Arai -- Dance, Dance, Dance(ダンス,ダンス,ダンス)


Just before Xmas last year, I brought singer-songwriter Masahito Arai(新井正人)onto "Kayo Kyoku Plus" for the first time with his "Fuyu no Photograph"(冬のフォトグラフ)from his first album as a solo artist titled "MASAHITO ARAI" from October 1987.

That song kinda straddled the line nicely between City Pop and straight-ahead pop, and the same can be said for another track from "MASAHITO ARAI", "Dance, Dance, Dance". Written and composed by Arai himself, it's a song that keeps within a certain range in terms of beat but it still has its mellower and dynamic parts. There's also an electric guitar which periodically enters the soundscape to add some more coolness to the proceedings.

Still don't know who did the appealing cover for the album but it's still cute and stylish at the same time. It reminds me a little of the main street of Unionville which is a scenic community north of Toronto; the area is also popular during the Holidays.


  1. I wonder what Masahito Arai's connection to Tintin is? The grown up version on the almbum cover is somehow kind of sad.

    1. Hi, Billy. Not a huge fan of the adult Tintin? Not sure whether Arai was an admirer or not. Well, I'm no fan of smoking either. :)


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