
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Akina Nakamori -- BEST

Well from today, I've started a new category which is called BEST....profiling compilations of a singer's best hits. I'll provide the list of the songs and then perhaps any personal insights about what I've heard, and see if anyone out there has a particular favourite among the favourites. Consider this category as the opportunity for a kayo kyoku kaffeeklatsch!

So, I've decided to launch with Akina-chan.

Akina Nakamori's(中森明菜) BEST was released in April 1986, and these are the tracks:

1. Slow Motion (スローモーション)
2. Second Love (セカンドラブ)
3. Twilight - Yugure Dayori (夕暮れ便り)
4. Kita Wing (北ウィング)
5. Southern Wind (サザン・ウィンド)
6. Sand Beige - Sabaku e (砂漠へ)
7. Solitude
8. Meu Amore (ミ・アモーレ)
9. Kazari janai no yo Namida wa (飾りじゃないのよ涙は)
10. Jikkai (1984) (十戒)
11. Kinku (禁区)
12. ½ no Shinwa (½の神話)
13. Shojo A (少女A)

Strangely enough, though, this wasn't the first BEST album by Akina. There was a previous BEST compilation by her titled "Best Akina Memoir" released in December 1983. Like it, "Best"hit the top spot on Oricon right from its debut and stayed there for 3 weeks. Having sold over 770,000 copies, it was the 6th-ranked album of 1986. The following year, the inaugural Japan Gold Disc Awards awarded the album twice with The Grand Prix Album of the Year and The Best Album of the Year in the Pop Solo category. Pretty heady accolades.

I had actually bought the cassette tape here in Toronto at Wah Yueh but later got the CD for it. All of the tracks are the original single versions, including "Kazari janai no yo Namida wa" which has an extended version on the album "Bitter and Sweet"(already profiled), and yep, that is indeed the song Akina is performing above.

The layout of the tracks isn't the usual temporal progression from her debut up to 1986, but instead it rather goes into a mountain pattern of sorts, reaching her most recent hits at the time in the middle of the album with "Solitude" and "Meu Amore" and then going back in time until the album ends with her second single of "Shojo A".

The above videos here have Akina performing her first two singles, "Slow Motion" and "Shojo A". With the exception of ballads "Second Love" and the sweeping "Twilight", both written and composed by Etsuko and Takao Kisugi(来生えつこ・たかお), the songs are mid-tempo to high-tempo contrasting with her later tendency to go for slower ballads and more near-operatic delivery. And speaking about her delivery, "Best" is also interesting to listen to just on how her voice gradually changed from the high tones of "Slow Motion" to the sultrier "Meu Amore", although it would continue to deepen beyond 1986.

To finish up, I have to say Akina cut a fine figure on the cover in that gray outfit.

And below is "Kinku".

Akina Nakamori -- BEST


  1. Thanks J-Canuck for this great post on 中森明菜's BEST. It's tough trying to pick any one or two songs that are Akina's best songs as all her songs are terrific in my opinion. Also some of her later songs like 「DESIRE -情熱-」, 「FIN」, 「TANGO NOIR」, 「BLONDE」, 「I MISSED "THE SHOCK"」 and non-single releases like 「BILITIS」, 「LA BOHEME」 and 「MILONGUITA」 which aren't listed are also pretty good. If I had to pick from list above, I would say my favorites would be in no particular order:

    「スローモーション」, 「北ウィング」, 「SOLITUDE」, 「ミ・アモーレ」 and 「飾りじゃないのよ涙は」

    This is a great topic and I'd like to contribute an artist as well (have someone in mind already).

  2. Hi, JTM. Yes, if you have a BEST compilation of someone you'd like to talk about, please let all of us know.

    I actually have her "CD 87" which has some of the songs you have mentioned. I hope to talk about that sometime in March.

  3. Akina's 80s singles are flawless. Just three of them are not personal favorites. They are "Second Love", "Twilight" and "Gypsy Queen".

    But talking specifically about this "BEST", "Kazari janai no yo Namida wa and" "SOUTHERN WIND" are two of my three favorites songs from Akina (the other being "I MISSED 'THE SHOCK'")

    I don't know if J-Canuck and JTM agrees with me, but SOUTHERN WIND's orchestration is just beautiful. I just miss an extended version of this song, like they usually did with dance hits here in the West back then. It's a pity that Akina didn't show more love to this song at her concerts through the years. I just remember it being performed in "AKINA EAST LIVE INDEX-XXIII", a rare televised version of "Dream '91 Akina Nakamori Special Live", "AKINA NAKAMORI MUSICA FIESTA TOUR 2002", and a special bossa nova version in "Akina Nakamori Special Live 2005 Empress at CLUB eX"

    And "Kazari janai..." is pure gold. My mom just loves it. But I must confess that I'm not very fond of the original single version, because of the effects on her voice during the choruses. But I bought a 2012 compilation with enhanced vocals and some changes on the original recordings that are just amazing (they just messed up a little with "DESIRE ~Jounetsu~" as the synths became kind of muffled). I might add this version in a future Akina's article for you guys have a listen.

    For curiosity, this version talked above is included in this special comemorative compilation for 30 years of career:

  4. Hi, Marcos.

    Looks like I'm gonna be bringing out some pretty large mugs of Blue Mountain for this article. :) And perhaps you might be the one guy to talk about "Southern Wind". I just listened to it right now on YouTube. I remember the two of us talking on one of the articles of one of the late 80s Akina tunes and wondering about her earlier stuff. Gotta say that her early 80s uptempo aidoru tunes just seem to have that extra kick.

    I've inferred on the article for her "BITTER & SWEET" album that "Kazari ja nai no Namida wa" that this was the song that launched the next stage in her career. I think "Sand Beige" was also one of those songs that was a prelude...her voice was just starting to become more pronounced here and the arrangement reminded me of some of the 'exotic' songs that were coming out in the late 70s such as Saki Kubota's "Ihojin".

    Pretty much from the start of her career in 1982, Akina had been compared to Momoe Yamaguchi, likely in terms of her choice of hard-kickin' songs and her ballads among other factors. Although Yamaguchi went for a harder sound in the latter half of her career, Akina was already mixing it up in the first few years with "1/2 no Shinwa" and "Shojo A"

    It looks like any big Akina fan has some example of that "AKINA EAST LIVE INDEX XXIII". I got the VHS tape and the double-CD set. That extended version of "Tattoo" is amazing!


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.