
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Seiko Matsuda -- Miami Gozen Go-ji (マイアミ午前5時)

And here I thought that Seiko Matsuda(松田聖子)went truly "international" with "Marrakech" in 1988. Of course, Seiko-chan probably had quite a number of overseas-flavoured songs in her discography since her debut in 1980 but "Marrakech" was the one that has always lingered in my mind.

But then I came across "Miami Gozen Go-ji" (5am in Miami) on YouTube some time ago. A track on her 7th album from June 1983, "Utopia", it was placed on the A-side which was labeled the "blue-island side". As I listened to the song, I automatically compared it with the later "Marrakech" which admittedly was like comparing apples to oranges (different times, different sounds). Still it was interesting nonetheless to remember "Marrakech" as this somewhat sultry and adventurous number from the late 80s while "Miami Gozen Go-ji" has this almost fantastical feeling (I was thinking Disney World here instead of Crockett and Tubbs) surrounding an innocent romance in The Sunshine State. The chorus backing her up almost felt like the sea breeze wafting in from the Atlantic.


Listening to all the mellowness, I should have figured that it was Takao Kisugi(来生たかお)who came up with the music while Takashi Matsumoto(松本隆)wrote the lyrics. "Miami Gozen Go-ji" was not an official single but the album "Utopia"(ユートピア)hit No. 1 on the charts. Apparently, according to J-Wiki, the song was still a popular one on the concert play list well into the 2000s. And when it comes down to it, listening to the song, I feel like I should be doing some more stocking up on Seiko albums.


  1. Hi, been lurking in your blog for a while. This is one of my favorite Seiko songs, at it is extra special because I've been living in Miami for 15+ years. Learning Japanese, Miami, was one of the first words I had to learn how to spell, but when I first got into Seiko-chan's music, I would just play albums and compilations for weeks, only to later on try to find out the names of the songs. I was pleasantly surprised when I finally figured out that this tune I really liked, was set in Miami!
    Thanks so much for that link of the video that she has the pink wig too! That hair looks like it was styled straight out of an anime.

    1. Hi, Otakitty. Good to hear from you again. I think I recall reading in your blog that you were living in Florida. As for the pink wig Seiko is sporting...she looks rather Precure-ish.

      After all these years, I'm still trying to get the various early albums by the singer. I know her biggest hits but I think there are some hidden gems in those releases.


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